Sunday, November 27, 2022

What's That Sound?

     Tinnitus is defined as a sound in the ears or head which is not sourced externally, or is produced and perceived by the body. In this sense, it usually only is perceived by the individual (with some exceptions). This affliction is something that many people have experienced, temporarily or otherwise and can take many forms such as a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound. Chronic tinnitus is when the sound lasts for a prolonged period of time without any signs of ceasing, usually identified after lasting six months. This version of tinnitus affects many people, especially those over the age of 50 ("Tinnitus: Ringing in the Ears..."). 

    Tinnitus has no real cause, but it is linked with many diseases or other phenomena. Diseases include but are not limited to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, Ménière’s disease, tumors and, in the arterial variant, anemia. Other linked cases are in aging, exposure to loud noises, allergies, earwax buildup, and even certain medications ("Tinnitus: Causes, Cures, Treatment and Definition"). Even recently, studies have linked COVID-19 to tinnitus. The pathway has SARS-CoV-2 infecting the middle-ear, leading to hearing loss and tinnitus, the latter has been observed to disappear after time passes while the former may persist (Baig). Prevention methods can be boiled down to protecting the ears ("Tinnitus: Causes, Cures, Treatment and Definition"). Ear plugs are essential for this purpose and self-restraint on volume levels are two of the ways in which the ears can be protected, although this is not to say that tinnitus cannot develop even after taking precautions. 

    In the case that someone has tinnitus, managing it can be difficult, as it has varying levels of severity. This can range from something that can be ignored or is temporary to a point where it interrupts sleep and silence can no longer be enjoyed. There are not drugs other than placebo that can help with managing this symptom ("Tinnitus: Ringing in the Ears..."). In the case that tinnitus is caused by an underlying condition, then healthcare providers may try a variety of methods to ensure that the condition is treated ("Tinnitus: Causes, Cures, Treatment and Definition"). Otherwise, there exists many options. Therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy or tinnitus retraining therapy in order to make the noise less bothersome. Masking is a common way in which people (including myself) deal with tinnitus, which can be in the form of a hearing aid or in any other form of device which covers the sound up ("Tinnitus: Ringing in the Ears..."). White noise can be generated by the humming of a fan, to a podcast or music playing on the speakers, and even down to specific wavelengths which are played to counter the frequency at which someone could hear the sound.

Baig, Abdul Mannan. "Pathways and Pathogenesis of Hearing Deficits, Tinnitus, and Vertigo in COVID-             19". ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2021 12 (23), 4368-4370. DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.1c00706

“Tinnitus: Causes, Cures, Treatment and Definition.” Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, 18 Apr. 2022,

“Tinnitus: Ringing in the Ears and What to Do about It.” Harvard Health, Harvard Health, 15 Aug. 2022,

1 comment:

  1. I found this to be so interesting and informative! I've always gotten the ringing sensation when my allergies are active and I never knew until why until now. I always thought it was just from being congested


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