Sunday, November 27, 2022

A.I. Is Among Us. Should It Be?

 I don’t remember the year, maybe last year, but there is a movie on Netflix that I was required to watch called “Coded Bias”. There was an argument that was raised by a student at M.I.T. and the biases that are within A.I. systems towards people of color. This made me think about the rising use of A.I. in the medical field and how this would cause a problem or possibly help. The convergence of A.I. and ethics is a hot topic that is leading to the legitimacy of integrating A.I. into the medical field. A.I. development is a tricky and complex idea that requires guidance, rules and practical practice. In order for A.I. to work the way that it is intended, there is an agreed upon list of conduct that follows transparency, justice and fairness, accountability, privacy, and non-maleficence. Due to the limitations or the extent of the code, it is possible that not all five ethical practices may be achieved. The privacy and protection of the patient is always the number one priority so the struggle of A.I. versus individual control is a constant battle of risk and benefit. The overall goal of A.I. can also be limited by the incongruent guidelines globally versus internally, which creates a question of how closely A.I. development can follow similar practices and ethical boundaries thus creating different input and outputs of A.I. interaction. There are many other factors in the development and installment of A.I. such as integrity, sustainability, and privatized vs governmental use that raise questions on the safety of including A.I. Bringing it back to the reason I looked into this, if we rely on a certain subset of people to code, there may be additional undercover biases that end up hurting the medical industry and creating larger gaps in minority groups receiving the healthcare they need and deserve. Do you think A.I. should be universally shared? If so, is there a certainty that privacy will always be protected? Do you think A.I. is inevitable or do you think we still have time to try other avenues? 


Chahal, H. (2022, November 25). Ethics of A.I.: Principles, rules, and the way forward. ORF. Retrieved from

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